13 practical tips for women's health

Post: 21/07/2023

1. Don't be too clean

Dr. Mary, an American microbiologist, has concluded through research that washing hands with ordinary soap and water is sufficient, and antibacterial products such as various antibacterial soaps, hand sanitizers and body washes will have a counterproductive effect.

"Antibacterial products did not keep people away from flu and colds, but instead caused germs to wreak havoc in the body." Dr. Mary believes that frequent use of antibacterial products will make it difficult for these beneficial microorganisms to survive.

2. Drink black tea

Gum disease is a contributing factor to heart disease. Bacteria in the mouth can create thousands of tiny blood clots that can narrow arteries and trigger heart disease.

The best way to protect your gums is to keep drinking black tea. Black tea can reduce bacterial activity, reduce the chance of dental disease, and thus reduce the risk of heart disease. Black tea can also produce an enzyme that can convert sugar into a sticky substance that can strengthen teeth.

3. Take folic acid

In order to prevent birth defects in newborns, pregnant women must take 400 micrograms of folic acid during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. The study also found that folic acid supplementation in women can reduce the incidence of macular degeneration. After taking folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 continuously for two years, organ aging can be delayed.

4. Try not to drink carbonated drinks

Carbonated beverages such as cola contain phosphoric acid in the form of phosphate, which affects the absorption of calcium. A study on osteoporosis showed that drinking 5 cans of soda, including 4 cans of Coke a week, decreased bone density by 4% in older women.

5. Don't be too thin

The ideal body mass index is about 24. BMI is calculated as: weight (kg) divided by the square of height (m), and women with a BMI less than 19 are prone to osteoporosis.

6. Avoid use of hormone replacement therapy

While hormone replacement therapy protects against conditions such as heart disease, osteoporosis, ulcers, and bowel cancer, evidence suggests that elevated estrogen and progesterone can increase breast cancer risk. Estrogen replacement therapy alone increases the risk of cervical cancer, and progesterone replacement therapy alone increases the risk of ovarian cancer.

7. If you want to get pregnant, you should spend more time in the sun

British obstetrics and gynecology experts believe that the reason why many women do not ovulate is because of vitamin D deficiency. For this reason, experts asked women with irregular ovulation periods to supplement vitamin D by basking in the sun, and the results showed that their ovulation cycles were significantly improved. Experts suggest that women who want to have children can get enough vitamins by exposing to the sun for 20 minutes a day.

8 Beware of Prescription Drugs

Some prescription medications can make your skin more sensitive to the sun, which can lead to skin problems. These prescription drugs include antibiotics, cholesterol drugs, birth control pills, anti-inflammatories, acne treatments, and drugs for high blood pressure and diabetes. If you are taking it, be sure to pay extra attention to sun protection when you go out.

9. Eat more bananas

A survey shows that one in four middle-aged women is experiencing depression and anxiety. The occurrence of depression is usually caused by the lack of "happy hormone" in the body, namely serotonin.

The lack of serotonin is due to insufficient intake of amino acids and tryptophan. The human body cannot synthesize this amino acid and can only be ingested through food. Experts pointed out that to supplement tryptophan, you need to eat more turkey, cheese, plums and bananas, so it is recommended that women eat 4 to 11 bananas a week.

10. Complete childbirth before the age of 30

The study found that women who gave birth between the ages of 20 and 30 had a 7% reduction in the incidence of breast cancer. This is because pregnancy and breastfeeding lower estrogen levels, which means a lower risk of cancer. At the same time, the incidence of gallbladder disease will also be reduced by 7%. Additionally, women who breastfed for more than 13 months halved their risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis.

11. Stick to weight training

According to the British Chiropractic Association, 70% of women will experience back pain in their lifetime. If you are experiencing pain, the best way to relieve it is to do more dumbbell and barbell exercises. Experts suggest that women with back pain should insist on doing weight-bearing exercise for at least 16 weeks, and 12% of the time should be aerobic exercise, which can also help you relieve back pain.

12. Watch out for stomach fat

A bloated stomach is a hidden health hazard. 10% of people suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. It is also a sign of ovarian cancer, and it is possible that the cancer has metastasized to the abdomen.

13. 200 orgasms a year

Columbia University cardiologists believe that if a woman can have 200 orgasms a year, her biological age will be 6 years younger.

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