5 common senses about women's health, how many do you know?

Post: 14/07/2023

1. Is the security period safe?

First understand what is a safe period. Under regular menstruation, from the beginning of this menstrual cramp to the first day of the next menstrual cramp, it is called a menstrual cycle. The safe period is divided into a pre-ovulation safe period and a post-ovulatory safe period. The period from the day when menstruation is clean to the first three days before the beginning of conception is the period before conception. From the first day after the end of ovulation period to the day before the next menstrual cramps is the safe period after ovulation.

but! ! ! Girls' ovulation will be affected by many factors, sometimes stimulated, may also induce ovulation, so the rhythm is not absolutely safe!

2. Is in vitro ejaculation safe?

not safe. Before ejaculation, a small amount of sperm often enters the vagina with the prostate. This situation was not noticed in time. Especially for newlyweds, they are emotionally excited, emotionally impulsive, and inexperienced, and it is even more difficult to control. Although the contraceptive method of external ejaculation is simple, it is not reliable and has a high failure rate.

3. Introduction and precautions of contraceptives

Oral contraceptives are divided into short-acting, long-acting and emergency contraceptives.

☛ Short-acting contraceptives

Generally, it is an oral preparation, which is easy to take and has a reliable contraceptive effect. It needs to be taken one tablet a day. From the 5th day of menstrual cramps, take 1 tablet every night for 22 consecutive days, and continue to take the medicine after the 5th day of menstrual cramps. Contraception can be used in the month of taking the medicine.

Adverse reactions: similar to early pregnancy reactions. Manifested as mild nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, etc.; decreased menstrual flow, etc.

☛ Long-acting contraceptives

The advantage is that it is highly effective, long-acting, and does not require daily medication.

Take the medicine for the first time after lunch on the 5th day of menstrual cramps, take 1 tablet, take the second time at an interval of 20 days, and then take the second medicine day as the monthly medicine date, and take one tablet every month.

Not recommended for young people. After the long-acting contraceptives are stopped, it may lead to irregular menstrual cycles, so young women are advised to take short-acting oral contraceptives. Fertile women who don't want to get pregnant and don't want to take contraceptives every day can take long-acting contraceptives.

☛Emergency contraception

It is a high-potency progesterone with a large single drug dose. Emergency contraception can only be used as a remedial measure after contraceptive failure, and cannot be used as a routine contraceptive measure.

Common side effects: Nausea, vomiting, spotting, breast tenderness, headache, dizziness, fatigue, etc. may occur, and generally no treatment is required.

It must be noted: Once contraception fails, be alert to the risk of ectopic pregnancy. Ultrasonography was performed when necessary to rule out the possibility of ectopic pregnancy.

4. Do women bleed for the first time?

uncertain. Some girls had strenuous activities such as pricking their buttocks when they were young, and their hymen may have been accidentally ruptured, so the first sexual intercourse after adulthood may not necessarily cause bleeding; the characteristics of the hymen vary from person to person, and some girls have large hymen pores, good elasticity, There are few blood vessels, and the hymen does not rupture or bleed during sexual intercourse.

5. Can I get vaginitis without having sex?

meeting. For example, a little girl, because her mother has vaginitis, does not pay attention to hygiene, shares a towel or basin, causes infection of the little girl, or unclean sanitary products and other reasons may cause vaginal inflammation.

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