Women need to read: 4 small health knowledge, read early and benefit early

Post: 04/08/2023

If women want to take good care of their bodies, they need to understand a lot of little knowledge, and benefit early. Many women don't know much about body knowledge. They usually have some adverse symptoms and are not sure whether they have health problems. They don't pay attention to them, let them go or often have bad behaviors, which may affect their health invisibly. If you can understand the relevant common sense in advance, deal with it correctly and take care of your body, the quality of life of women will be improved.

1. When does menopause occur?

When women enter menopause is common sense that needs to be understood, because as the body grows older and the body gradually ages, the functions of important organs decrease, and women will have signs of menopause. When menopause arrives, mood swings are easy, sleep quality decreases, and skin aging speeds up. , Menstrual changes, these are common changes.

The effects of menopause will only be lessened if you can actively regulate your body at the right time. Most women enter menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, which is the result of natural aging of the body. These changes represent the gradual aging of the body. Timely recuperation is needed to reduce the discomfort of menopause.

2. Most of the breast pain during menstruation is breast hyperplasia

Most of the breast tenderness and pain during menstruation is due to physiological factors, and there is no need to worry too much. It is related to changes in hormone levels in the body. Because the amount of estrogen is secreted during menstruation, and the mammary glands are stimulated when the hormone level increases, usually breast hyperplasia will cause breast tenderness and pain.

Many people find that this situation is mistaken for breast cancer, breast hyperplasia is not equal to breast cancer, if it is pathological breast hyperplasia, it needs to be paid attention to if it is judged to be atypical hyperplasia through examination.

3. How to supplement calcium to prevent osteoporosis?

Women should understand how to deal with the decrease of ovarian function and insufficient estrogen secretion during menopause. Because the reduction of estrogen secretion will affect the absorption of calcium, the possibility of osteoporosis is high due to the lack of calcium in the body, and it is easy to experience joint and bone pain under the influence, and even the risk of fracture. If you can properly bask in the sun at this age, supplement high-calcium foods or exercise more, you can provide sufficient calcium and achieve the effect of protecting bones.

4. Ways to prevent cervical cancer

Women want to prevent cervical cancer in the right way. Cervical cancer, as a gynecological malignancy that is unfavorable to women's health, has a high incidence rate, and it can be kept away through correct methods, especially cervical cancer vaccination, which is currently a more effective way to prevent cervical cancer. In addition, to stay away from the disease, women should not be deficient in nutrition. They should eat correctly to meet the nutritional needs of the body and improve their resistance to effectively fight against the invasion of high-risk HPV viruses.

In addition, paying attention to personal hygiene and having a reasonable and regular sex life are the keys to keeping the body healthy. Otherwise, women will have a variety of adverse symptoms after cervical cancer invasion, such as frequent urination, vaginal bleeding, vaginal discharge, severe When cancer cells metastasize and spread, patients with cervical cancer will die if not treated in time.

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